

As you’ve already known or not,there’re countless labeling for women.Unluckily l found another stupid labeling on this.

"3.30pm on a Wednesday is the time women look their oldest,” by Nichola Joss who is the facialist of St Tropez.An esthetician! She’s not even a scholar or a researcher. YES!First of all, I simply doubt the resources.
Second of all, what about men?Why do we always have to be young and pretty?
Lookism sexism aside, they are the ones who should admit and accept who we are.
Third, Ms. Joss explained“Almost half of women (46%) are likely to indulge in alcoholic treats over the weekend–The effects of an alcoholic weekend can take up to 72 hours for the visible effects of alcohol to show, so the effects of drinking on the weekend may not present themselves until Wednesday afternoon."
Obviously 54% of women are excluded.

She also said “After a wild weekend of partying and getting to bed late, the shock of going back to work was shown to give many women sleepless nights.

More than a third (37%) reported that Monday night is when they are most likely to get a bad night's sleep. "The effects of a lack of sleep can take 48 hours to show on the face, so if many women sleep badly on Monday they will look their oldest on Wednesday."
I can say, it depends on when do they start drunken weekend. Isn’t it depends on their occupations or employment status?!
From the above, I simply cannot obey this stupid STUPID reckless remark because we are always beautiful no matter what they say!Who cares!!!!!!!!!!
